
Brian Johnson is an American social media influencer, bodybuilder, and supplement owner who has gained a large following on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. He has also written two books: “Liver King: The Recipe for Life” and “The Liver King Diet: A Revolutionary Approach to Weight Loss and Healthy Living.”


Brian Johnson is a 33-year-old American social media influencer, bodybuilder, and supplement owner. He has over 2 million followers on Instagram and more than 350,000 followers on Facebook. In 2016, he became the first person to ever win a bodybuilding competition using only supplements.

Brian began bodybuilding in 2009 and quickly became one of the top competitors in the country. In 2011, he got the title of Mr. America and competed in the Arnold Classic and the Mr. Universe competition. In 2013, he won the IFBB Mr. Olympia title and was named Muscle & Fitness Men’s Bodybuilding Athlete of the Year. Since then, he has continued to be one of the biggest stars in bodybuilding and has appeared in several fitness DVDs.

In 2016, Brian started combining his love for social media with his passion for bodybuilding by becoming an influencer. He started by creating YouTube videos about how to achieve similar results to those he achieved during his competitive days without having to spend hours in the gym. His videos quickly gained popularity, and he now has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube and 350,000 followers on Facebook.

Early Years

Brian Johnson’s life could easily have followed the path of most young Americans. He was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, the youngest of three children. Growing up, Brian was always into sports, playing in soccer, basketball, and baseball leagues throughout his childhood. He also participated in weightlifting and powerlifting competitions as a teenager. Nonetheless, it wasn’t until he turned 20 that Brian truly started pursuing his fitness goals.

Brian decided to start bodybuilding training and started by reading “The New Bodybuilding Bible” by Arnold Schwarzenegger. He quickly progressed through the book and began working out with a trainer at the local gym four days a week. Within six months, Brian had gained almost 25 pounds of muscle and lost almost 10 pounds of fat.

Although Brian enjoyed bodybuilding, he didn’t enjoy the tedious workout routine required to succeed. So, in 2008, he drastically changed and started using social media to promote his workout regimen and supplement products.

Brian quickly became an online sensation as he started posting photos of his muscular physique and detailed diet plans. Over time, Brian’s following grew exponentially as he began to post videos of his workouts and supplement reviews.

Bodybuilding and Supplementing

In 2015, Liver King founded his own supplement company, LiverKing Nutrition, which sells a variety of high-quality supplements and bodybuilding products. His successful online presence has enabled him to build a large following on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. This article will discuss Liver King’s journey to success and how he benefited from bodybuilding and supplementation.

Becoming an Influencer

He began by creating YouTube videos about fitness and supplements, eventually becoming an influencer. Influencers use their platforms to share knowledge and promote products they believe in. By providing valuable content and building a following, influencers can help sell products and generate awareness for their brands.

Johnson’s work ethic sets him apart from other social media influencers. He takes the time to research his topics thoroughly and creates engaging videos that are easy for viewers to understand. His commitment to quality content has made him popular among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. Johnson has helped promote products from top brands like MusclePharm, Universal Nutrition, and In addition to his work as an influencer, Johnson is also a bodybuilder and supplement owner. This combination of skill sets gives him unique insights into the world of fitness and supplementing that he can share with his followers.

Johnson’s story illustrates the importance of following your passions to succeed on social media. By focusing on content that interests audiences,

The Fastest Way to Make Money on Social Media

Brian started his journey to success on social media by creating a personal website in 2013. He began using social media to promote his website and connect with potential customers. Brian’s website had grown into a successful social media account in just a few years with over 2 million followers.

One of the most important things Brian did to grow his following was to focus on quality content rather than quantity. He spent hours each day creating original content that resonated with his followers. This strategy paid off because Brian’s followers were highly engaged with his content.

In addition to producing quality content, Brian also focused on building relationships with his followers. He would often reply to their comments and share stories about how his content impacted their lives. This kind of interaction created a strong connection between Brian and his followers, which helped him build trust and credibility. Overall, Brian’s strategy for growth on social media was simple but effective.


Brian Johnson started as a social media influencer, bodybuilder, and supplement owner. He was always passionate about health and fitness, but it wasn’t until he discovered the ketogenic diet that his passion began to take off. Brian quickly realized that the ketogenic lifestyle was perfect for him because it allowed him to lose weight easily while improving his overall health. Today, Brian is one of the most successful social media stars in America and has helped millions of people improve their lives by adopting a ketogenic lifestyle.

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