NASA boom arm black hole extends audio

NASA boom arm black hole extends an audio recording of a black hole captured by its orbiting spacecraft. The audio reveals the sound of gas and dust swirling around the black hole and the light it emits.
NASA releases audio of black hole.
NASA boom arm black hole extends an audio recording discovered in 2015. The black hole, called SS433, is about 12 million times the sun’s mass and is located in the center of a galaxy called NGC 4382. The recording was made using Nasa’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.
What is NASA boom arm black hole extends?
A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such a high degree of mass that not even light can escape from it. A black hole is formed when an astronomical object, typically a star, collapses under its weight.
How did Nasa capture the audio of a black hole?
Nasa released audio of a black hole last week, and the recording has left scientists and experts baffled. The audio was captured by Nasa’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. It is an orbiting telescope that scans the entire sky daily. The black hole was identified as Sagittarius A*, located in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sagittarius A* is one of the most massive black holes, with four trillion suns.
The audio was captured when WISE looked at a region of the sky called Sagittarius A*, located towards the center of the Milky Way galaxy. When WISE scanned this area, it detected an intense burst of infrared light. After analyzing this light, NASA found that it came from a much more significant source than any other object in that part of the sky.
After analyzing this information, Nasa concluded that this source must be a black hole. However, many scientists are still confused about how this black hole was captured in audio form. Some experts say that Nasa’s technology may have been able to detect something else in the infrared light burst and turned it into an audio file. Others
What does the audio of a black hole reveal about the universe?
The audio of a black hole is an eerie sonic image that captures the swirling gas and dust as the force of the black hole pulls it in. It reveals how much material is being pulled into the black hole and how fast it gets lost. The audio also reveals the creation of sound waves as the material is ripped apart.
NASA boom arm black hole extends shares a recording of the sound of intense beam of radiation emission. This is the first time that Nasa has been able to record such an event. It is hoped that this new information will help scientists learn more about how these mysterious objects work.