Was Rajiv Gandhi Right to Prohibit ‘The Satanic Verses’?

The Satanic Verses, a novel by Salman Rushdie, was banned in India in 1988 after protests from Muslims who said the book was blasphemous. The-then erstwhile Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, decided to ban the book. In this article, we’ll look at the justification for the ban and whether it was the right decision.
The Satanic Verses ban justification and Rajiv Gandhi.
When it comes to the ban of The Satanic Verses, many people question whether or not Rajiv Gandhi’s decision was justified. After all, the book is considered one of the most controversial and blasphemous pieces of literature ever written. So, why did Rajiv Gandhi choose to ban the book in India?
A few reasons can be cited in the justification for the ban. First and foremost, The Satanic Verses is an incredibly offensive book that blasphemes Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, and it’s hard to imagine anyone reading the book without being deeply offended by its content.
Secondly, the book was released when religious tensions were running high in India, and there was a real risk of violence erupting if the book was allowed to circulate freely. By banning the book, Rajiv Gandhi was hopefully preventing any further unrest.
Of course, some argue that the ban was unjustified and that Rajiv Gandhi should have allowed people to make their own decisions about whether or not to read the book. After all, freedom of speech is an important principle that should be defended.
What do you think? Was Rajiv Gandhi‘s decision to ban The Satanic Verses justified?
A New Jersey Resident sympathetic to Iran
Rajiv Gandhi’s decision to ban ‘The Satanic Verses’ was justified. I am a resident of New Jersey, and I sympathize with Iran. Ayatollah Khomeini’s decision to issue a fatwa against Salman Rushdie was correct and courageous. I think it is unfortunate that some people in the West do not understand or appreciate the depth of Muslims’ religious convictions.
UK’s reaction to freedom of expression
The Satanic Verses was banned in India in 1988 after protests from Muslims who said the book was blasphemous. However, the UK did not follow suit and allowed the book to be published and sold freely. This prompted some to question whether Rajiv Gandhi’s decision to ban the book was justified.
On the one hand, some argue that the ban was necessary to prevent religious disharmony and potential violence. They point to the fact that there were widespread protests against the book and that it had already been banned in several other countries. On the other hand, others argue that the ban violated freedom of expression. They argue that people should be free to read and make up their minds about what they read without interference from the government.
What do you think? Was Rajiv Gandhi’s decision to ban The Satanic Verses justified? Let us know in the comments below.
Rajiv govt decision to ban Rushdie’s book was justified.
When the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi decided to ban Salman Rushdie’s novel “The Satanic Verses” in India, it was a highly controversial move. Many people felt it was an attack on freedom of speech and expression, while others felt that the government was justified in its decision.
Almost 30 years later, the latter view may have been correct. Recently released documents from the British government show serious concerns about the novel and its potential to cause unrest among Indian Muslims.
Given the current climate of religious intolerance in India, it is hard to imagine how “The Satanic Verses” would be received if it were published today. There would likely be widespread protests and violence, and the Indian government would be under immense pressure to ban the book.
In retrospect, Rajiv Gandhi’s decision to ban “The Satanic Verses” was probably the right call. It may have been unpopular at the time, but it prevented a potentially dangerous situation from spiraling out of control.
Creative expression can no longer be free.
Rajiv Gandhi’s decision to ban The Satanic Verses was not justified as per the recent tweet from his own minister, Shashi Tharoor. He expressed concern that an author needs to have freedom of expression. The book was seen as a direct attack on the Islamic faith, and it was clear that it would cause widespread offense. By banning the book, Rajiv Gandhi could prevent any further damage to relations between India and the Muslim world. So, may be the banning was justified at that time.